Thursday, July 25, 2013

We can light it up up up, so they can't put it out out out

1. I don't understand guys who choose to say they're single when they're not? If you're willing to give an impression to other people that you're available, does it mean that you're doubtful of your own relationship? Some of my guy friends that I talked to told me that it's the easier answer. Is it really complex to tell people you're in a relationship???? I don't get it. What if you tell a girl that you're not seeing anybody at the moment and she shows interest, isn't it more complicated cause you actually gave the wrong signals?? Guys always lie to me (even after I tell them I'm attached)!! Guys like to tell me that they are single, but eventually, I will find out that they are either in a very serious relationship, or engaged to get married even! All I have to say is, think about your partners guys. Do you want them to go around telling other guys that they are single? I DOUBT SO.

(Also, I really want to know if my own boyfriend goes around telling people he's single. Sometimes I think he does...................................)

2. "He can date you for as long as he wants, but at the end of the day, he will always settle down with a girl who wears a tudong." WHAT THE FUCK TO THIS STATEMENT OK. Is it true???? My first reaction was "Oh so when he finally decided that he wants to settle down, a girl in tudong will magically appear???" It makes zero sense! So you don't need to build a relationship with that said magical tudong girl? (Is it rude to label girls as tudong girls... I mean I have no other terms for it. Like ok I can use "don the hijab" but it's rlly difficult to keep typing that, so I apologize first haha I mean no offense really I swear I'm just bringing my point across.)

"At the end of the day, they make better wives cause they already have somewhat a strong faith in Islam." REALLY??????? Just because some girl wears the tudong, their faith is automatically mightier? I understand that if you choose to don the hijab you have a certain character that you portray. They tend to be gentler, sweeter, parents are more accepting of them, they pray, they fast... what else?? I really disagree!!! It's like saying girls out there who are not ready to start this responsibility of donning the hjiab are wild, rowdy, bad. I mean who are you to judge someone's character by what she wears, or what she does not wear??? If what the guys say is true, then like that I will never get married?? It's really contradicting, guys can club drink smoke commit all the sins that they want, but at the end of the day if they choose to marry a girl in tudong, their sin-count is back to zero?????????? Utter bullshit ok.

Desmond keep telling me to talk to Hairil properly about this matter, cause he "might". If Hairil really "might".. then he is really contradicting himself. I don't think he is shallow enough to realize that at the end of the day, yes #1 wife-material, she should wear the tudong. Then my whole relationship with him is pointless???? Wasting my time????? But ok, I admit whatever Desmond said made me doubt also, I think a lot so... I'm half freaking out right now.

3. I'm 23, is 23 old? I keep pressuring myself about having enough money to buy a house, having enough money to settle down. Is that normal? Why do I have to be in conversations with guys that involve BTO, marrying, CPF, house loans... you get the drift. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind talking about them. I mean Sarah and I agreed that it's better to talk about it sooner than later? Like there's no harm putting the issue on the table. But, it drives me crazy that I feel like I'm the only one in the relationship thinking/stressing over these stuffs. I really don't want to be wasting my time, but nobody knows right. One thing I know for sure, conversations like these always make me doubt the core existence of my relationship. The feeling sucks.

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