Tuesday, July 2, 2013

We can't stop, we won't stop

Attended Fauzi's surprise 26th birthday party last Saturday. I was really impressed with the room that the boys decided on (Hotel Fort Canning), it was huge to begin with which was vital seeing the amount of people that turned up hahaha. The atmosphere of the whole Hotel Fort Canning was rather "atas" though for the boys' trashy surprise party, imagine accommodating like 15 rowdy kids in a room above a quiet romantic wedding dinner. We waited damn long for Fauzi to arrive which got rather b o r i n g rlly, cause I saw myself just endlessly camwhoring with Syidah and Grumps, and eating whatever there was to eat.

Nevertheless, for the umpteenth time (I rlly never wish someone this many times before omg), Happy 26th Fauzi and may you and Aina have a blissful journey towards your wedding day in 3 months!

I must say this!! The cupcakes were as hard as rocks omg. The taste was super artificial, rlly one of those birthday cakes that are only nice to look at.

Happy engagement guys!!!!

Grumps look extra adorable in his new sparrows printed tshirt. Although by the end of the night, it got so drenched with his sweat cause we walked down from the hotel to get a cab. All the remaining pictures in my camera showed his yucky sweat stain hahaha aw.

Mandatory group photo of the night, we had to wait for 2 random ang moh guys that kinda lingered around in the room to leave first before taking the shot. (It was rlly awkz hahah we didn't know who the hell they were) I am having a love/hate relationship with the .jpeg above cause 1) IT IS a group photo but 2) I look like I have a bald spot on my hair BUT ITS NOT, MY PONYTAIL WAS IN A MESS. 

Great weekend to end my 8 days of leave from work. :) I'll update about my trip to Bangkok soon-ish cause some of the pictures are in Grumps' camera and it would be dreadful if I have to upload in batches. (My boyfriend is a kampong boy when it comes to computers, thus my trusty macbook is always there to save the day!)

<4 hours left of my last night shift, and I'm terrily famished. Cannot wait to crawl into bed to sleeeeeeeep. Anyway, here's hoping that I get to keep this virtual "diary" for long this time round. Ciao!

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