Friday, August 2, 2013

It's like the sun set in your eyes and never wanted to rise

Signs that I have overworked the past month..
  • I tried to tap out from the train station using my work pass
  • I tried to open my house door with my work pass too
  • I almost missed my bus stop cause I was stoning, too tired to be awake
  • I almost missed my train stop cause I was STILL stoning .... zz
  • I poured my sample onto the tray instead of the sink, causing flooding in the lab
  • I have no idea how I got my hand burnt by conc nitric acid.. I might be sleepwalking

If I could, I would lie in my bed 72 hours straight. Sigh, I told my boyfriend I am a slave to the working class. 3x I OT in July is really not funny, honestly I don't feel the extra cash. I gotta be on standby the whole of August, let's see how I will survive that.  Woes aside, The xx tonight!! I cannot wait although my excitement got half-smashed by some of the Instagram posts from the first show.

And my Queen is halfway home :') Happy August y'all.

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