Sunday, October 6, 2013

Be a part of a love club, everything will just glow for you

Bought tickets to F1 this year specifically because the first act of the 3-day event was none other than....... BIGBANG!! Like I said a thousand times, I felt really bummed about missing Hardwell (he was spinning at Fort Canning the same night) so I forced myself to watch the Daesung, Seungri and GDragon's episode of Running Man to make me pumped up about the concert. AND IT WAS SUCCESSFUL.

Sarah (she copy me, I wore electric blue first cause obviously I want Top to notice me) joined me cause her ex colleagues passed her tickets last minute! She was being all passive about watching Big Bang at first, but I know you're just being cool (or I was just overly excited haha). Second concert in <6 months that I got to watch with my favorite person. (ONE DIRECTION NEXT!!!!)

I initially only planned to go with Liting cause we bought the tickets together. She actually came along with her mum and her cousin, but we spared no chance we really chiong to the most strategic position we could find, leaving her family god knows where (haha don't worry they still had fun). Kinda proud of Liting cause she is a Bigbang convert (she adamantly refuse to acknowledge them even in the beginning), she even went to Gdragon's One Of A Kind concert BOTH DAYS!! 

We were already at the Padang since like 9ish so we had time to kill cause Bigbang only came out at 11ish. There wasn't really much to look at, and the F1 cars were too noisy, I wanted them to stop revving so badly I couldn't hear my brain!!


I wasn't as near as I was to the stage as compared to the Bigbang Alive Tour Concert last year, hence my low quality pictures. I was struggling, juggling between my phone, my camera and actually watching them perform haha. I think my mind exploded when GDragon performed his latest single Crooked cause it wasn't in our (cheatcode) setlist. BLOWN AWAY X 10, FREAKED OUT X 10. They were perfect, I know perfect is insane of a word to describe humans BUT THEY ARE AN EXCEPTION.

I actually wanted to insert like (better quality) photos of the boys that I googled online, but I guess no point? You can search it yourself if you really want to see them. I am baffled by the fact that some fans are really x100000 more hardcore than me, their cameras are like magic cameras. And they put in so much effort in editing the pictures oh my god I don't know how you all do it but props.

Mandatory picture of me rocking the Bigbang's crown torch.

 Thanks girls for the company that night, I had a blast. Bigbang performed more songs than I expected, cause I only paid like $70, and it was really like a concert. One thing I must point out is that the only thing they lack from being really full fledged international superstars is that THEY SPEAK HORRIBLE ENGLISH. I cringed when they were trying to interact with the audience.

BUT STILL UNBELIEVABLY GOOD. I heard Justin Bieber was spectacular too, but obviously I didn't have enough fund to top up a hundred bucks more to buy the ticket. MEH. Well, I guess, that was my #f1weekend. <emo>Actually I felt bittersweet whenever it's the F1 period cause it reminds me of my dad. I remembered him all excited every year, and he will for sure buy the grandstand tickets. I really cannot explain why he is into F1 (or maybe he doesn't I really don't think so but haiya moving on..), and I always always wonder who he went with the past years. I was hoping maybe I could bump into my dad this year.. but nope that didn't happen. </emo) Haha.

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