Thursday, November 14, 2013

Within and without

"The greatest prison that people live in is the fear of what other people think."

Came across this on Tumblr, and the quote can never be more apt than what I am going through. I feel so angry with myself for letting unimportant people get to me, like they know what I did or will do, what I said or will say every second of my damn life. It disgusts me too, that they think they deserve that fucking right to assume. And when that is still not enough, apparently the next logical thing to do is to spread unreal truths. I grew up a people person, like there wasn't any time of the day that I'm not around people, talking to my friends. It wasn't awkward for me to meet new people, or make new friends. But as life progresses (rather bitterly sigh) I start to build this wall against people so that I don't have to deal with anymore unnecessary drama. I don't deny that sometimes I do brought it upon myself, but look you don't get to heal yourself if you continue wounding others. Like enough is enough, or like watch out, you're stepping the fucking line.

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