Thursday, January 2, 2014

2013 >> 2014

What I want to remember of 2013
  1. Bangkok with Hairil in June
  2. Starting shift in February, the whole experience is bittersweet. Sweet because it helps to get me off living by the streets, bitter because I know this will forever be my life I sold my soul to Shell.
  3. February. (I think I lost a part of myself, I was literally starving myself, I might have fall into depression..) It was horrid, but it made me realise through and through that I want to be with Hairil.
  4. The xx ... I was awed, they were brilliant I wouldn't forget the feeling.
  5. Fall Out Boy @ Fort Canning. Sarah came back from UK the same week.
  6. Big Bang for the second time in less than a year.
  7. My 23rd birthday. 
  8. Hairil's 26th birthday.
  9. My one year anniversary with Hairil, it was never what I imagined. The night went so ugly.. the whole week in fact, I saw myself losing part of myself that I tried fixing since February. As much as I want to remember highs in 2013, I want to remember the hurt too.
  10. Seeing my mother less than 5 times last year, it's little but baby steps.
  11. The X Factor US
  12. Hairil's family opened up to me being his girlfriend, and till today I will forever ever and ever be grateful. You'll understand the warmth when you get to eat home-cooked meals after being "on your own" for almost 2 years now.
  13. The people who stayed
I have to be a better person, I just have to. Happy new years, kids. In with the good, out with the toxic.

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