Friday, July 19, 2013


I met a primary school friend the other day, and we had this obligatory (but friendly) catch up conversation like "Eh what you doing here?" "Heard you're getting married right!" How's bla bla, is she still flying! ... and then comes my most hated question; "Where are you working now!" I absolutely hate it if I have to tell people WHERE I work. I can't answer it in one straight-up sentence without people giving me the puzzled look, followed by a string of disbelieved sentences.

"Where do you work now!"


"Huh, as in the petrol station?"

No offense to the pump attendants or the shop assistants that work in the Shell kiosks all over Singapore, but do you think I look like I work in a kiosk??? Come on, guys. I'm really not trying to glamourise my occupation, don't get me wrong!! In fact, I'm just a lab analyst in, yes you've guessed it right... SHELL.

(in a very disgruntled tone..) "No.. as in I'm a lab analyst in Shell."

And then, people would almost automatically and immediately give me this obvious relief expression on their faces, like if I really did say that I was working in a kiosk, they would be like thinking "Oh that's so sad for you..." or "Ha ha at least I'm doing better than you..." Hahahah ok I don't know about the second one, but I'm sure after years of not meeting, there will bound to be a habit of comparison. (Though it may hidden but hey we are all humans here.)

Then people would try to come up with anything that they might know about labs / analysts / Shell itself and ask me in a form of question like "Oh so you work in Tuas? So ULU!!" NO I DO NOT. I work in Jurong Island, it's even more isolated, I'm completely on a new island a part from Singapore. "Oh so you do testing on the oil?" NO I DO NOT. I don't work in the refinery actually, yes it's a process plant but they produce chemicals instead of oil, Shell is a big MNC company if you must know. And the best one yet... "Oh you work in Exxonmobil!" NO I DO NOT!!!!! That's like two totally different companies????

"Erm.. I use my diploma lor, work in a lab." There you go, if people give me awkward questions to answer, I will unknowingly have more ridiculous replies. Use my diploma, really Na???????? What a brain fart. Hahahaha sigh

So I hope the next time people see me and would like to know what I do full time, they would ask me WHAT I do now, instead of WHERE I work... Answering "Oh I'm a lab analyst in Shell" is so much easier than what I just explained above. Anyway, I always complain to my boyfriend that my job title is so lame.. so pretentious like ah ya duh I'm an analyst.. I hate it I hate it. My boyfriend would be like "No.. I think it's cool baby.." Hahaha but I think he's just being a boyfriend.

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