Thursday, August 1, 2013

26th (2)

For part two of celebrations, I surprised him with a small get together with his closest friends at Nabins. I can't say that he's overwhelmingly shocked by the whole surprise, but I'd say I did pretty well (with the help of his friends of course). Hairil told me he already knew something was up because I was extra protective of my phone weeks prior to his birthday, but he just didn't know what I was up to. We practically had the whole of level two to ourselves, but I realized it got quite boring overtime cause there was nothing left to do other than eat, smoke or take pictures. Oh! The random appearances of the belly dancer helped a bit but I felt quite awkward for the girl, to be honest haha.

His shameless pose when he realized the room was filled with his friends welcoming his presence. Seriously...... hahaha.

One of the rare moments that the balloons naturally were set correctly, like two and six. All of us had to keep turning it to the right age (it could be 62, 29, 92..) all night before snapping a photo.

The people giving him the gifts were more excited than Hairil himself, just look at Endy holding onto the paper bag.

Happy boy with his presents.

Hello qtpie, I love you

We weren't kidding with the polaroids man. I tell you, it's a known fact that boys are a bigger camwhore than us girls (ok maybe not self shots) but when all of them come together, it can result in hundreds of polaroids. Tested and proven.

I really hope his friends enjoyed the party, cause I think I did very minimal. Like the food I catered were already prepared beforehand and like I said there wasn't much to do other than taking photos, and idling. Of all the times I surprised Hairil and he gave me expressionless reactions (idk how many times my heart breaks please), I'm quite relieved that he was all smiles that night.

If you notice that some pictures are of much better quality than the rest, it's because they belong to Hazim. I rlly love his photos! AND! Special shout out to Jamie for helping me with the balloons and cake and preparations in the afternoon before the surprise, I would have collapsed halfway. You're god sent!

I know you're reading this, I mean it when I say... I'm happy when you are. Here's to us growing old together. I'm sure one day we will look back at all these pictures and have fond mushy feelings about the night that I surprised you with a birthday party. Million kisses for you, baby.

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