Monday, August 19, 2013

Oh you got a fire and it's burning in the rain

Hi I'm back with a heavy-image post in my pocket! Hehe. 

Attended Yi Jie's surprise birthday party 2 weeks back @ The Fullerton Hotel. The mastermind behind the whole surprise was none other than her boyfriend, Elson. I was impressed myself cause the Facebook event that I got invited to was ultra quiet prior to the actual day, I almost forgot about it. Haha, there were sparse and minimal updates about the party, but obviously it was well-executed (you can see from the pictures below). It was a great success also because Elson had a great minion to help him hahaha (it was) Liting! One of my few friends who will never disappoint you on your birthday, she will sincerely help with the decorations, the secret gift delivery service, the welcoming of friends of friends, the baking of the birthday cake (remember my uber gorgerous rainbow cake on my birthday???), etc. She's like our Naomi Clark lol.

So anyway, technical details aside, it was a black x white themed party which is my personal favorite cause obviously I have a gazillion monochrome outfits so it wasn't a hassle. Elson got this (gorgeous and huge) double-storey room (more like a suite please) that faced the Marina Bay floating platform. Since the party was during one of the days when the National Day Preview was happening, we were the lucky kids that got to enjoy the fireworks from a distance.

Decorations. There was a make-shift photobooth with props that Liting & Grace made. But I don't know why everyone rather take pictures at the balcony instead.

She was really stunned!! Which was quite adorable hahaha.

With the birthday girl.. (obviously this was taken using my camera.)

She got a complimentary cake from the hotel! Even came with a special greeting card from the General Manager. Sadly I don't have a proper picture of the cake that Liting baked for the party. (Or maybe there is, I'm just too lazy to browse through the album again haha)

Grumps, like a sir (but not really).. haha

Borrowed Liting's fish eye lens, after this photo was taken he was like "I also want to buy.. for Metallica!" We have a hardcore fan over here guys...


Just more pictures of us camwhoring with the props and each other.

The fireworks were really pretty!! I don't even care if it's the taxpayers' money, tell me one person who won't be in awe when there's fireworks in the sky....

A group shot of everyone in. Don't be fooled, we took like a thousand more shots, I just picked the nicest ones. (Most candid ones didn't get uploaded anyway Idk why! Haha.) Overtime, it looked more like a pre-wedding (Elson & Yi Jie of course) photo-shoot instead of a birthday party.

I got to say, Elson's friends are the most sociable bunch of "strangers" I've ever met. We recorded this Harlem Shake video, I was very surprised that EVERYONE was up for it. No one went like HUH SO LAME, HUH SO LAST YEAR... And there weren't (much) idling around in the room, everyone was socializing, everyone seems as though we know each other before somewhere, even Hairil! Hahaha.

We missed quite a bit of fireworks cause we were busy taking pictures, but after looking at them, it was quite worth it!! Such a pretty backdrop!

Although Grumps and I had to leave early (I got work the next day boo), I really enjoyed myself. I got to see my secondary school girls (Yi Jie Shiying Liting) which I haven't seen for so l o n g! I know this is way overdue, but Happy Birthday Yi Jie!!! I'm sure you had a memorable one this year, all I got to say I cannot wait to see how Elson surpass all these in the future, really spoil his own market (dude flew over to Aussie just to ask Yi Jie to be his gf, and this...... hahaha omg rlly). Hope all good things happen to you in years to come, and as cliche as this may sound, I hope we remain friends for-ev-errrrr! :)

And here's a video of our Harlem Shake, you can't really see me cause I got blocked by Yi Jie. Spot Hairil, and Liting! Hahaha hilarious. We re-shoot the video like 3x cause one time, Aly (girl coming down the stairs) acutally fell on her butt while coming down the stairs. It's like the music was playing and then suddenly a loud thud! Everyone erm... laughed before helping her up. Hahaha.


At work now, serving my last night shift for my current cycle. Yay to NO Monday blues cause while all of you are on the way to work, I'm going home to sleep. I had a good week despite some squabbles I had with Hairil. But we had a good talk on Friday night (iloveyousomuchbabysorryforbeingsuchabigbratass) by the quayside while waiting for his boys to come. I should be taking a nap now cause I spent the whole afternoon (means no sleep since 10am this morning) visiting Hairil's friends's houses (omg what a mouthful) for Hari Raya but it's no surprise that I am more awake during night shifts than morning shifts lol. A good week also because I got to see a lot of Sarah, did I tell you before how glad I am that Sarah is back, no more airports, goodbyes, 7 hour time difference....! To top it off, I recently downloaded Snapchat SO......... MY LIFE HAS A NEW MEANING NOW. Download it, my username is glitterides!

Have a good week ahead guys, I promise I'll be back with new posts soon-ish! (And please give me sometime to answer all your questions @ haha sorry)

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