Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Dwelling in the spectre of forgotten embrace

T H I R T E E T  H

I think you still don’t know
how much I just like being
with you - even when you’re
just talking about your day,
your words weave around
me like my favorite wool
sweater. You think I’ll get
bored of you or that I just
don’t know how to say no
but you are comfy and 
warm and on November
days, I can’t think of
anything better.

It's not possible that it's already November!!! Ageing by the day, though I don't really feel that I'm growing up properly. Happy thoughts - Christmas is coming!!!!, 17 more days to Boyce Avenue and we finally set little goals for ourselves to be a better person. Started my year with you, and I'm hoping that I will end 2013 the same way too *cross fingers*

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