Saturday, November 2, 2013

It's like you're begging me to hate you

I'm throwing a bitch fit because I am offended.

I'm not ashamed to admit that yes, my relationship with Hairil hasn't been all merry. I screwed up along the way, he screwed up along the way and trust me when I say this, both he and I are using all our fucking efforts to make it work. I really have no idea what the future holds for us, but as a couple, and as of right now, we are trying. It's never too much to keep repeating that the only two people who know what's best for the relationship is that two goddam people who are in that fucking relationship.

Also, I am not ashamed to admit that I have a lot of insecurities. Hairil does too. A lot of our quarrels happened because both of us are insecure over matters that exist ever since the start of the relationship. We don't always agree on the same things, that is why we quarrel. (Duhhh?!?!?!?) How bad, how neurotic, how psychotic our quarrels are/were, let us define that ourselves.

What I don't understand is that there are some people who really went against all odds to mask their own fucking insecurities, and making other people victims. What is so wrong in admitting that sometimes you're human? What is so wrong in admitting that you are cool with this shit, but that shit bothers you. Why do you have to tune your feelings so perfectly in front of other people, but deep down a feather can fucking sway you.

WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO FAKE. I really had it with people who cannot be normal, is your EQ negative 50???? It's like almost impossible to not be an asshole. I'm not trying to tell you to air your dirty laundry every single day.. but to the extend of foolishly thinking that you can drop one person because it eliminates the essence of you being insecure is just ... RETARDED.

It's somehow hilarious that I've put up with so much bullshit just to get more shit in return. LIFE!!!!

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