Monday, December 16, 2013

My boy, he ain't the one that I saw coming

One of those days that Hairil did something unexpected. I cannot recall when exactly my life turned so sour that home-cooked meals are now a privilege.. He came all the way to find me before my night shift to pass me a surprise. He had packed dinner for me from his house to bring to work. I know it's nothing much/fancy to most of you reading, but it meant a lot to me. I was gutted with happiness/sadness (I cannot decide which haha), I cried and could barely say Thank You through sobs. I am such a crybaby and a drama queen and a brat, I don't know how Hairil handles me on my bad days. And because of that, if I could, I would give you my heart. There's really not enough words to express my love for you, and I'm super super super grateful that you choose to love me, in spite of my flaws, my weaknesses and my ugly. 

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