Saturday, October 26, 2013

#nowplaying: Lykke Li - I Know Places

My sister decided to adopt a kitten a month back.. and it's the best decision ever since I moved in with her. I was worried that she would be very irresponsible with the feeding, and the housekeeping and the attention, but surprisingly she proved me wrong haha. I remembered she paid ZERO attention to Hazel when we were back living with the mother.

So guys, meet Luca!!! The only person is not a fan of this qtpie is none other than my boyfriend. Hairil would be at one corner of the room if the door is open (Luca right here is too agile for anybody ok a n y b o d y) and I would have to escort him in and out of the house, to the bathroom, basically everywhere around the house. 

This is when I caught him snuggling under the covers. I realized that he only likes to sleep in the afternoons, and be super hyperactive late at night. He hasn't made a lot of noise yet, very soft audible mews but that's it. He likes to run out out of the front door though. It is quite a distance from the sofa to the front door, but one day when I was collecting my McDelivery, he swooped out of nowhere and HE WAS OUTSIDE. Freaked me out.

This was when I tricked Flora & Liping into believing that I brought Luca to work. I thought it was actually a lame prank, BUT THEY FELL FOR IT HAHAHA. Yes Luca can fit into any handbag, but omg I will get murdered by my sister if I were to bring him out. Also, my stuff in my bag will be ruined if I were to leave him in for 5 mins.

Luca is quite the camwhore. You can visit my sister's Instragram to see a whole load of photos of Luca. One month in, Luca ruined 2 tops of mine, and broke a palette of eyeshadow. I WAS SUPER PISSED FOR AWHILE but the anger all went away once he cuddled beside me. Sucha charmer sigh. But I admit he's quite the devil kitten, I remembered vividly one day when I had to cat-sit him ALONE and I spent like close to an hour screaming LEAVE ME ALONE LEAVE ME ALONE cause he just couldn't quit scratching and biting every single thing.

You can tell me what you think of Luca on my!


Attending one of Hairil's best best friends wedding in like less than 8 hours. I still cannot decide what to wear. Which is always a chore! >:( Omg I can already hear the bird chirping outside! Happy weekends guys.

P/s: Can I bring my blessings in a super sized gag bag? HAHAHAHA KIDDING.

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